Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Puppy Love

Puppy Love

By Charisma-Joy

            Charlotte woke up every morning wanting a puppy. So one day she decided to ask her parents for one.
          “Mom, Dad, can I have a puppy?”
Her mom and dad discussed it and said, “If you can prove to us you’re responsible enough, you can have a puppy.”
Charlotte thought that the best way to be responsible is to help with the housework. She looked around the house for ideas. She saw the trash can.
 “Mom and Dad would think it’s responsible to take out the trash,” thought Charlotte. She started to pull the bag out, but it was too heavy. She pulled and tugged until… She fell over with the trash! There was trash everywhere – in her hair, on the ground, and on her clothes.
Then her mother walked in and yelled, “What happened?”
Charlotte shook her head and thought, “I’m never gonna get a puppy at this rate,” but she wasn’t ready to give up now. She looked around the room for something to do.
“Hey, the floor looks pretty dirty,” she said. “I’ll wash it.” She got a mop and some floor wax. “Mom usually uses about a cup,” thought Charlotte. “If one cup cleans the floor good, the whole bottle will clean it great!”
When she was done cleaning, she called her mom. “Mom, Mom, Mom! Look at what I did!”
Her mom came running in to see. “Waaaahhhh!” Her mom slipped right across the floor and crashed her head in the fish bowl.
Charlotte shook her head and thought, “I’m never gonna get a puppy at this rate.” But she wasn’t ready to give up then. She looked around the room for something to do.
She looked at the rugs, at the walls and out the window. "Hey the grass is pretty  tall,'' thought Charlotte.
She went into the garage to get the lawn mower. She wasn't sure how to work the lawn mower so she started playing with buttons and twisting knobs. When she finally got it on it made a terrible noise. Grass flew in her hair and dirt flew in her eyes. When Charlotte found a way to turn it off, there was a big hole in the lawn.
Her parents ran outside to see what the noise was. Charlotte shook her head and thought, "I'll never get a puppy at this rate."
But Charlotte wasn't ready to give up yet. She looked around for something else to do. "Hey, the hamper is pretty full," thought Charlotte. She stuffed all the clothes in the washing machine and poured in lots of soap.
"Man, I can't close the lid," said Charlotte. She saw some duct tape from the corner of her eye. She duct taped the lid to the washer down, then she turned it on. Rumble Rumble. Horrifying noises came from the washer. Suddenly, water and suds started shooting everywhere. Soon, the whole floor was flooded.
Her mother walked in. She couldn't even see find Charlotte in the bubbles. Charlotte saw her mother shake her head and thought, "I'll never get a puppy at this rate." Later that day, when all the water and soap suds were cleaned up, Charlotte was called in from her play time by her parents. She couldn't believe what she saw. "A puppy!" yelled Charlotte, as she ran for her parents. "We saw how hard you have been trying to be responsible and now we know you're responsible enough to have him," said her parents.
Charlotte picked up the puppy. "I love him," she said. The dog started licking her face as if he was saying, "I love you, too."

1 comment:

  1. You are confused, people do not learn what in order to do.
    an individual feel your current world has changed, just
    about all became very strange. Worse when compared with that.
    pupy love
